很多家长,接触艺术教育的很少,大多数家长对孩子为什么学画画,要应该怎么学画画,学画画有什么好处.....都不太清楚。Many parents have little contact with art education. Most parents don't know why their children learn to draw, how they should learn to draw, and what benefits it has to learn painting.
当然,儿童画是广义的,不是仅仅的认为彩笔或蜡笔画。从画法上可分为:儿童创意画、儿童写生画、儿童线描画创作等。国外十几岁的孩子也画儿童画,为的是保留那份纯真和开发想象创作的能力,所以,从开放的角度讲,十几岁的孩子也可以画儿童创意画,但要求的内容和表现技巧就不一样了。How long should children learn painting?
A: Generally speaking, children's paintings should be painted at the whole stage of children aged 4 to 10.
Of course, children's painting is in a broad sense, not just color or crayon painting. It can be divided into: Children's creative painting, children's sketching, children's line drawing creation.Overseas teenagers also draw children's paintings in order to retain their innocence and develop their imaginative creativity. Therefore, from an open perspective, teenagers can also draw children's creative paintings, but the required content and performance skills are different.
Q: why is it not easy for children to learn drawing before the age of 10?
A: children before the age of 10 have not yet entered the primary stage of realism. They have strong imagination but poor realism. They are not easy to accept such things as proportion, perspective, strength and so on.
Therefore, after many children art education experts and psychological experts research: before 10 years old, it is not easy for children to learn sketch.问:为什么要培养儿童良好的心态?
相由心生,境由心造。儿童有一个良好的心态会集中精力,心平气和,有利身心健康。而心情浮躁,不是好现象。因为浮躁的心作画会毛毛草草。急躁的心作画会马马虎虎。所以,我们要培养儿童在快乐的作画中,平心静气,凝神专注的画。儿童学画好比“西天取经”。西游记中的唐僧去西天取经,为什么先收下孙猴子和白龙马呢?因为做每一件事,必须先收住“心”,不收“心猿”“意马”是不行的。降伏心猿意马的浮躁心态,利用这个心意为做画服务。笔随心走,意到笔到,才会到达自由自在的艺术彼岸。Question: why should we cultivate children's good mentality?
A: excellent children's paintings are the reflection of good mentality.
Phase is created by the heart, and the state is created by the heart. Children have a good mentality, will concentrate, calm, conducive to physical and mental health. And impetuous mood is not a good phenomenon. Because of the impetuous heart painting will be rough. The impatient mind makes a picture carelessly. Therefore, we should cultivate children in happy painting, calm and focused painting.Children learning painting is like "learning from the west". Why did the Tang monk in the journey to the West accept the monkey and the white dragon horse first? Because in everything we do, we must first stop the "heart", and it is impossible not to accept "heart ape" and "Yima".Subdue the impetuous mentality of the mind, and use it to serve painting. Only when the pen reaches its destination, can it reach the free artistic shore.问:儿童学画的目的是什么?
a. 儿童学画可以发展个人情趣爱好,促进人格完善。
b. 促进儿童身心情感发展。
c. 培养儿童认识自我,认识世界的审美心理。以及塑造创造性品格。
d. 提高儿童观察力、想象力、创造力、思维力,促进左右脑均衡地发展。
Q: what is the purpose of children's painting?
A: Marx has a famous saying: "the future people are aesthetic people."
The main purpose of children's painting is to improve their aesthetic quality, aesthetic ideal, aesthetic taste, aesthetic psychology, and develop potential intelligence, which is beneficial to physical and mental health.a. Children's learning painting can develop their personal interests and hobbies, and promote the perfection of their personality.
b. Promote children's physical and emotional development.
c. Cultivate children's aesthetic psychology of knowing themselves and the world. And shaping creative character.
d. Improve children's observation, imagination, creativity, thinking ability, promote the balanced development of left and right brain.
Q: why break the constraints of form?
A: because if you are limited by the appearance of the "shape" in front of you, you can't create freely.
Only by breaking the restriction of "form", from the world in the eyes to the world in the heart, can we draw a picture full of imagination and wonderful sense of mind. The wonderful thing of "wonderful" is not the similarity of shape, but the similarity of spirit.Children are imagining, not painting. Only by paying attention to the cultivation and development of imagination, creativity and expressiveness in children's painting learning, can we draw high-level children's paintings and draw works that affect the soul.Parents send their children to learn to draw, presumably, but also hope that children can through painting, more contact with some beautiful things, in painting, which is full of artistic atmosphere, cultivate a good aesthetic, and become a person who pursues life.If parents can understand the problems mentioned today, the road for children to learn painting will be much easier in the future.We hope that every child can draw in the most free state and find their own happiness in painting. We hope that every child can be nourished by art and become a better person.Q: will children's learning of painting affect the study of cultural lessons?
A: No.
It is an indisputable fact that children's learning to draw can develop their intelligence. It helps to cultivate children's observation, imagination, thinking, analysis, judgment and creativity.At the same time, it also cultivates their healthy aesthetic taste and stimulates their associative ability. "Sharpening the knife does not mistake the woodcutter.". Learning some paintings properly every week will certainly be beneficial to the study of culture class.
"Should children sacrifice art for cultural classes?"
"In the end, art is not about technology, but about culture.".
The important thing of art education is the transmission of connotation,
It's not just technology.
Whether it's a child studying art or other arts,
Knowledge, mental outlook, willpower and so on
Are more prominent than children who don't learn art.
What can art education cultivate children?
This should be every parent of a child learning to draw,
The most concerned issues.
First, let's take a look at the following pictures
An island, under which are the whales!
An island. Lizards hold it up!
An island, the crocodile holds it up!
这就像孩子学画画,孩子表现出的画面只是孩子想法和创意的一部分,在画面表现之下,蕴藏着孩子更多的是品质以及特质!但可惜,大多数家长对于美育并不了解,有些甚至还抱有下面这个片面想法:孩子坐不住啊,听人说送去学美术,可以磨磨性子,我就试了试。这个说明,家长对于儿童美术教育的理解还不足,建议家长听下今天的分享。It's like a child learning to draw. The picture displayed by the child is only a part of the child's ideas and creativity. Under the performance of the picture, there are more qualities and characteristics of the child!Unfortunately, most parents do not know about aesthetic education, and some even hold the following one-sided idea:Children can't sit still. I heard people say that they can grind their temper by sending them to learn art. So I tried.This shows that parents do not have enough understanding of children's art education. Parents are advised to listen to today's sharing.
生活中很多家长会问:我一点美术都不会,就不敢轻易的教,很多时候都是孩子自己画,我在旁边看着,听孩子说和孩子对话,这样对不对?In life, many parents will ask: I can't do art at all, so I can't teach easily. Most of the time, the children paint by themselves. I watch them, listen to their children and talk to them. Is that right?
Never make these mistakes
1.Pay too much attention to drawing skills and despise imagination
Picasso once said, "it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child.".However, in reality, there are often parents who are upset because their children's paintings are not round and square. In fact, they do not start from the physical and mental characteristics of children and neglect the cultivation of children's own needs and interests.What skills do children have in painting? It is the accumulation and summary of experience. Simply teaching children painting skills will scare them away.
Whenever we see children's works, we can not help but be moved by the unrestrained form of painting, bold and magical use of color and exclaim. Because in their eyes, the world is simple and colorful.Children never doubt their skills in drawing. They have nothing that they can't or dare not draw.No matter how complicated the characters and scenes are, as long as they pass through their minds, they will become concise.Then simple things as long as through their hands to draw out, will become rich, this is children's painting.Early childhood is the stage when bold imagination begins to form. At this stage, the brain mode of thinking is easy to form and can be maintained forever. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate children's imagination in children's art class.
部分家长曾问: "老师,我们的孩子现在为什么不学素描,画石膏像,学油画,早起步早学会!家长们对孩子教育的迫切希望是可以理解的,但这种想法违背了幼儿自身的发展规律,忽视了幼儿的年龄特点和生理特点。儿童动作发展遵循从近到远的规律,动作发展从身体中部开始,越接近躯干的部位,动作发展越早,而远高身体中心的肢端动作发展较晚。
2.I'd like to have my children trained immediately
Some parents once asked: "teacher, why don't our children learn to sketch, draw plaster, learn oil painting, start early and learn early!It is understandable that parents are eager for children's education, but this idea goes against the law of children's own development and ignores the characteristics of children's age and physiology.The development of children's movements follows the rule from near to far. The development starts from the middle of the body. The closer to the trunk, the earlier the movement develops, while the higher the body center, the later the action development.
以上肢为例,肩头和上臂首先成熟,其次是肘、腕、手,手指动作发展最晩,儿童手握铅笔自如地一笔一划地写字,往往要到6-7岁才能做到。心理学家格赛尔做了著名的双生子爬梯的实验认为,影响幼儿动作发展的重要因素是生理成熟。生理成熟是学习或训练的基础,学习知识对成熟起一种促进作用,只有在成熟的基础上进行学习训练,才能有效而成功 ,否则是无效的。
Taking the upper limb as an example, the shoulder and upper arm are first mature, followed by elbow, wrist and hand, and finger movements are the most developed. Children can write freely with a pencil in their hands, often until they are 6-7 years old.Psychologist Gesell has done the famous experiment of twins climbing stairs, and believes that the important factor affecting children's movement development is physiological maturity.Physiological maturity is the basis of learning or training. Learning knowledge plays a promoting role in maturity. Only learning and training on the basis of maturity can be effective and successful, otherwise it will be ineffective.
幼儿期孩子的手部小肌肉还无法灵活控制画笔进行精细的素描活动,也无法准确画出石膏大小的比例。让幼儿进行这些高难度的训练,只会给幼儿造成消极的情结体验,挫伤幼儿的绘画兴趣, 无异于拔苗助长。
The small muscles of children's hands can not flexibly control the brush for fine sketch activities, nor can they accurately draw the proportion of plaster size.Let children carry out these difficult training, will only give children a negative complex experience, frustrate children's interest in painting, is no different from pulling up the seedlings to encourage.
把画得“像"与"不像"作为学画的终极目标,这样会导致孩子画画的胆子越来越小,又擦又改,小心翼翼,刻意有余、创意不足。家长千万不要扼杀孩子创造力,因为只有如孩童般观察世界,没有任何功利因素,才不会失去感知的本能,才不会失去任何创造性的表达方式。我们时常会听到家长这样评价孩子的作品:“你今天画的小猫真像”、“你怎么跟老师画得不一样呢?”把儿童美术课堂当作“照相机功能"来简単看待,导致很多有主见的儿童因为"画得不像" ,而断送了继续学习美术的机会。
3.Look at children's works from the perspective of adults
Many children are often asked to learn painting must be like, horizontal to flat, vertical to straight.Taking "like" and "unlike" as the ultimate goal of learning painting will lead to children's courage to draw more and more timid, wipe and change, be careful, deliberate and creative.Parents must not stifle their children's creativity, because only by observing the world like a child, without any utilitarian factors, can they not lose their instinct of perception and any creative expression.We often hear parents comment on their children's works in this way: "the kittens you drew today are really like each other" and "Why are you different from the teachers?"Taking children's art class as a "camera function" simply leads to many children who have their own opinions because they "don't draw like it" and lose the opportunity to continue learning art.
孩子们在画得“像”与“不像”的问题上与成人的看法是不一致的。孩子画画凭的是直接感受,他们认为只有突出主要的、夸张重要的,就是最像。如:孩子画踢毽子的腿会比不踢的腿要长,画吃蛋糕的嘴比平时的嘴张得要大。绘画的本质和语言、文字一样,都是作为主体的人为了表达的需要而出现的一种形式,所以说如何更好的表达才是艺术本质,而技巧和绘画语言固然重要但是也只是表达的方式而已。绘画的再现和模仿只会束缚孩子们的思想。孩子追求的像并不是生活中镜子般的真实,所以,家长在看孩子的画时,不要拿画上的形象与真的比。我们鼓励孩子们认真大胆、顺其自然的画,画出自己的想法,画出自己的心意。Children are inconsistent with adults on the issue of "like" and "unlike".Children draw by direct feelings. They think that only highlighting the main and exaggerating the important is the most similar.For example: Children's legs of kicking shuttlecock will be longer than those without kicking, and the mouth of eating cake will be wider than usual.The essence of painting, like language and words, is a form of expression for the needs of people as the main body, so how to better express is the essence of art, and skills and painting language are important, but they are only ways of expression. The reproduction and imitation of painting can only bind the children's mind.Children's pursuit of reality is not like a mirror in life. Therefore, parents should not compare the image on the picture with the real one when they look at their children's paintings.We encourage the children to draw their own ideas and their own minds in a bold and natural way.
What should art education pay attention to?
In the process of art education for children, we should pay attention to the cultivation of children's aesthetic ability and aesthetic taste.Beauty is a kind of experience, and the factors of beauty are omnipresent. Children's aesthetic quality education is an important part of children's all-round development education.It will play a great role in the cultivation of children's emotion, the cultivation of their personality, and even the development of their overall quality.
学美术并不是想当画家才学的,儿童美术启蒙教育的作用远远超过了美术数育本身。家长在孩子学画的过程中扮演着不可替代的重要角色,让孩子无拘无束的随心所欲地画,对孩子来说是多么愉快和重要。Learning art is not to be a painter. The role of children's art enlightenment education is far more than art education itself.Parents play an irreplaceable role in the process of their children's painting. It is very happy and important for children to let their children draw freely.