“一个孩子的成长,需要糖,也需要钙,同时需要盐。”“糖是关爱、鼓励,钙是自强自立,盐是直面挫折苦难,这三样东西在教育中一个都不能少。”深以为然。在家庭教育的这口大锅里,我们要懂得合理有序放糖、盐、钙、“汤”才会营养全面,孩子才会成为一个温暖有爱、富有担当、勇敢坚强的人。What kind of family can bring the best education to children?Dou Guimei, principal of Tsinghua primary school, gave her unique answer"A child needs sugar, calcium and salt to grow up.""Sugar is love and encouragement, calcium is self-reliance and self-reliance, and salt is facing setbacks and sufferings. None of these three things can be missing in education." I think so.In this big pot of family education, we need to know how to put sugar, salt, calcium and "soup" in a reasonable and orderly way, so that children can become warm, loving, responsible, brave and strong people.Put "sugar" first, conform to children's nature专家指出,甜的食物能满足大脑对能量的需求,能让人心情愉悦。每个孩子天生都是爱“糖”的,当小小的舌尖触碰到那一抹甜,总能手舞足蹈,神情雀跃。家庭教育中的“糖”,就是父母的关爱和鼓励,它像节日的巧克力,充满着甜蜜温馨,能让孩子放松身心,找回自己的天性。只要父母舍得用欣赏和鼓励的言语,编织成甜蜜的爱,只要父母愿意用温暖和包容的深情,陪孩子走过长长的童年、少年甚至青年时光,孩子自然会充满信心,在前行路上遇见最美好的自己。Sweet food can satisfy the brain's energy needs and make people feel good, according to the family.Every child is born to love "sugar". When the tip of his tongue touches that touch of sweetness, he can always dance and look happy.The "sugar" in family education is the love and encouragement of parents. It is like the chocolate of the festival, full of sweet warmth, which can let children relax and find their own nature.As long as parents are willing to weave sweet love with words of appreciation and encouragement, and as long as parents are willing to accompany their children through their long childhood, adolescence and even youth with warmth and tolerance, children will naturally be full of confidence and meet their best self on the way forward.Add some salt to teach children to face life's setbacks有位哲学家说过:“磨难,苦难,挣扎,这是成长的过程。”在教育这口大锅里,要想孩子成长得丰富多元,自然也少不了“盐”这个至关重要的调料。给孩子的教育里加点“盐”,就是要让他们明白,生活并不总是一帆风顺,不可避免地会遇到各种困难和挑战。案例分析:
一个小男孩从小跟随母亲到青岛打拼。冬日的夜晚寒风萧瑟,人们都在温暖的家里享受闲暇时光,他和妈妈的烤地瓜摊却开始了一天中最忙碌的时刻。妈妈忙着烤地瓜时,男孩就趴在垃圾筒上认真地写作业。这位妈妈用自己的行为给孩子熬了一碗浓浓的加“盐”的汤。成长的过程,本来就是一个不断摔倒再爬起来的过程。每一个人都可以从挫折中学到一定的知识、经验和勇气,得到最丰厚的战利品。所以,即使再爱孩子,我们也要在他们的成长路上撒下一把“盐”,不刻意规避生活的“不容易”,让孩子提前有切肤之痛,才不会在遭遇挫折时一蹶不振。A philosopher said: "suffering, suffering, struggling, this is the process of growth." In the big pot of education, if children want to grow up rich and diverse, it is natural that "salt" is the most important seasoning.To add salt to children's education is to let them understand that life is not always plain sailing, and inevitably will encounter all kinds of difficulties and challenges.A little boy followed his mother to Qingdao since childhood. On a cold winter night, people are enjoying their leisure time in the warm home. However, his and his mother's sweet potato stall begins the busiest time of the day.When his mother was busy baking sweet potato, the boy would lie on the garbage can and do his homework seriously.The mother cooked a bowl of thick soup with "salt" for her child with her own behavior.Those salty mixed with the bitterness of life, so that children understand the strong.The process of growing up is a process of falling down and getting up again. Everyone can learn a certain amount of knowledge, experience and courage from setbacks, and get the most abundant booty.Therefore, no matter how much we love our children, we should also sprinkle a handful of "salt" on their way of growth. We should not deliberately avoid the "not easy" of life, so that our children can have the pain in advance, so that they will not fall back when they encounter setbacks.Supplement "calcium" to make children strong and independent有句话说得很好:“父母真正成功的爱,就是让孩子尽早作为一个独立的个体从你的生命中分离出去,这种分离越早,你就越成功。”让孩子成为一个独立的个体面对生活,补“钙”是家庭教育中必不可少的。我们熟知的“狐狸法则”中,成年后的狐狸不能和父母在一起生活,它们必须独立养活自己,一切都要靠自己。浙江海宁10岁的小姑娘鄢张雅,父母都是海宁市中医院的医生,她是家中的独生女,却从不娇气。每天放学自己回家,还独自去菜场买菜,回家做饭,等爸爸妈妈下班就有热气腾腾的饭菜吃。鄢张雅说得最多的一句话是:“让我试试看,我一定行的。”孩子的独立与自立,与父母的培养分不开。恰如鄢张雅的妈妈所说:“要她成长,就要她独立,这个过程是在我们的眼睛底下时刻关注着的。”There is a saying that is very good: "the real successful love of parents is to let the child separate from your life as an independent individual as soon as possible. The earlier the separation, the more successful you will be."Let the child become an independent individual face life, supplement "calcium" is essential in family education.According to the well-known "Fox rule", adult foxes can't live with their parents. They have to support themselves independently. Everything depends on themselves.Yan zhangya, a 10-year-old girl from Haining, Zhejiang Province, whose parents are doctors of Haining traditional Chinese medicine hospital, is the only child in her family, but she is never coquettish.I go home after school every day, and I go to the market to buy vegetables and cook. When my parents get off work, they have steaming food to eat.Yan zhangya said the most is: "let me have a try, I will do it."Children's independence and independence are inseparable from the cultivation of their parents. Just as Yan zhangya's mother said, "if you want her to grow up, you need her to be independent. This process is always under our eyes."I have to say, this mother is too wise!父母学会适当地放手,让孩子在生活中尝试“自己来”,这就是给孩子最好的“补钙”。
Parents learn to let go appropriately and let their children try to "do it by themselves" in life, which is the best "calcium supplement" for their children.When children have the dignity of life, they can run in the rain without an umbrella, and strive to pursue the "best self". 编辑:Sweet
审阅:Lily Tracy Jenny