Enlighten wisdom with art
What is the significance of children's art education?
How should parents cultivate their children's art talent?
How old is it for children to start learning art?
Children start to doodle with pen when they are more than 2 years old, and then they are 4-6 years old, 7-8 years old, and 9 years old.4-15 years old is an important period for the development of children's imagination, creativity and comprehensive thinking ability.美术教育有一个原则:
保持孩子的兴趣,没有兴趣就没有持续绘画的动力。孩子观察-思考-立意--布局-造型-色彩-表达,在这个过程中,用孩子相应年龄的语言,发挥孩子的主动性和教授知识性的内容和美术技巧的方法,逐渐培养孩子的审美和表达感受。There is one principle in art education:
To keep children's interest, there is no motivation to continue painting without interest. In the process of observation, thinking, conception, layout, modeling, color and expression, children should use the language of the corresponding age to develop their initiative and teach knowledge content and art skills, so as to gradually cultivate their aesthetic and expression feelings.想象力是什么?
人能在过去认识的基础上,去构成没有经过的事物和形象的能力就叫想象力。想象力必须有过去认识的基础,没有真正的空想。当然,孩子也不可能空想,所有画面的东西,都是孩子见过,读过,听过的东西。Is it imagination or technique for children to learn painting?
What is imagination?
People's ability to construct things and images that have not been passed through on the basis of past knowledge is called imagination. Imagination must have the basis of past knowledge, there is no real fantasy.Of course, it is impossible for children to daydream. Everything in the picture is what they have seen, read and heard.孩子掌握了绘画技法,掌握了绘画表达的基础,才能够运用绘画技法去表达自己的所见所想。比如5岁的孩子用点、线和形状。所以,不能单独强调想象力,也不能单独强调技法。二者不可割裂,单独强调哪一部分都是不科学的。随着孩子长大,想象力的部分专业成为设计类学科,设计类都是有一定的方法、环节、理论基础,所以都不是没有根基和原理的乱想。Only when children master painting techniques and the basis of painting expression can they use painting techniques to express what they see and think. For example, a 5-year-old uses dots, lines and shapes. Therefore, we can not emphasize imagination alone, nor can we emphasize techniques alone. It is unscientific to emphasize either part separately.As children grow up, some majors of imagination become design subjects. Design subjects have certain methods, links and theoretical basis, so they are not without foundation and principle.绘画兴趣的保持和自由表达的能力。
What is the most important thing for children to learn to draw?
The ability to maintain interest in painting and express freely.
因为素描的知识比较抽象,绘画过程较为枯燥,低年龄孩子长时间学习,容易失去兴趣。For example, why shouldn't children learn to sketch too early and continuously?
Because the knowledge of sketch is more abstract, the process of drawing is more boring, and the young children study for a long time, so they are easy to lose interest. 一般来说孩子1~6岁,可以大致说是处于色彩敏感阶段,而6岁以上孩子慢慢观察具象形体,色彩不再是强关注的点了。
How do parents spend their children's color sensitive period?
Generally speaking, children aged from 1 to 6 are generally in the stage of color sensitivity, while children aged over 6 slowly observe the concrete form, and color is no longer a strong focus.家长在平时只要和孩子聊天的时候,稍微引导到不同环境的色彩观察就可以了。比如公园树、花是什么颜色,大海的颜色,黄昏的颜色。然后孩子学习到色彩知识中的冷暖色,回想平时感受的,看到的。这就是艺术来源于生活,高于生活。生活中的观察和感受积累,未来才是孩子绘画中各种题材和内容的来源,孩子见识越多,体验越丰富,绘画内容越能丰富。当然,不同兴趣爱好的孩子关注的点是不一样,孩子在如果喜欢画画,家长可以平时在聊天的时候,引导孩子在形体、色彩等方面注意观察就可以了,其他的专业知识、和创意思维方法引导,交给老师就好了。Parents usually just chat with their children, a little guide to the color observation of different environments. For example, the color of trees and flowers in the park, the color of the sea and the color of dusk. Then children learn the cool and warm colors in color knowledge, and recall what they usually feel and see.This is that art comes from life, higher than life. The accumulation of observation and feelings in life, the future is the source of all kinds of themes and content in children's painting, the more children experience, the richer the painting content.Of course, children with different interests and hobbies have different concerns. If children like painting, parents can guide their children to pay attention to observation in body shape, color and other aspects while chatting. It's good to give teachers guidance in other professional knowledge and creative thinking methods.不断探索孩子的美术教育领域,结合各种先进的美术教育文化理念,创造出具有特色的艺术课堂,让孩子在美术中能够感受到艺术世界,能够提高自己的创造力、想象力,提高自己的创造力与沟通能力。希望美术教育认为,少儿美术教育的并不止是教授绘画技巧的教育,它的根本是培养全面型的人才。不管对社会和个人来说,意义都特别大。Constantly explore the field of children's art education, combined with a variety of advanced art education and cultural concepts, create a unique art classroom, so that children can feel the art world in art, improve their creativity and imagination, and improve their creativity and communication ability. I hope art education believes that children's art education is not only the education of teaching painting skills, but also the cultivation of comprehensive talents. It is of great significance to society and individuals.